Brexit Highlights 24 – 30 September 2018

– The Department for Exiting the European Union published another set of documents (technical notes) which should provide guidance on how to prepare for Brexit if there is no deal.

– The House of Commons Library produced new research briefings – Brexit and chemicals regulation (REACH); Brexit Unknowns (update)

– A new Brexit-related post was published on the European Parliamentary Research Service Blog – The future partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom: Negotiating a framework for relations after Brexit

Brexit and industry and space policy workshop was organised by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies (European Parliament). Presentations and background material were made available here.

– A new article was published on the European Law BlogCan the United Kingdom unilaterally revoke its Article 50 notification to withdraw from the EU? Wightman v Secretary of State for DexEU [2018] CSIH 62

– New articles were published on the UK in a Changing EuropeWhy talk is growing around “blind Brexit”; Brexit: complex and lengthy process lies ahead, new report finds

– New contributions were posted on the Free Movement blog – No refunds for EU settled status applications; Luxembourg court to be asked if the UK can cancel Brexit; Naturalising as a British citizen: the lawful residence requirement

– New articles were published on the UK Constitutional Law Association blog – Colin Murray: Brexit and the “Constitutional Integrity” of the United Kingdom; Robert Brett Taylor and Adelyn L. M. Wilson: Seeking and Implementing a Referral on Revocability of Article 50 Following Wightman

– A new podcast was made available on the Bruegel website – Backstage: Brexit consequences for EU’s ICT policy

– A new article was published on the European Futures blog – Brexit, Northern Ireland, and Devolution


– New Brexit-related articles were published in the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law; Public Law; New Law Journal:

Colin Yeo and Susan Reardon-Smith, ‘The Impact of Brexit on UK Asylum Law’ (2018) 32 (3) J.I.A.N.L. 232–257.

Conor Crummey and Eugenio Velasco Ibarra, ‘Statutory Conventions: Conceptual Confusion or Sound Constitutional Development?’ (October 2018) 4 P.L. 613–631.

Charles Pigott, ‘Brexit: no deal no alarm? Deal or no deal, government promises Brexit won’t affect workplace rights’ (21 September 2018) 168 (7809) NLJ 9.

Unilateral revocation in court. UK could not be forced to revoke the Article 50 notice’ (28 September 2018) 168 (7810) NLJ 4.

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